Works for upgrading of the Subotica wastewater treatment plant are approaching finalisation. Almost all activities are completed and the facilities are in the testing phase. Works have been ongoing in extremely complicated environment due to Covid-19 and the related problems with health risk, travelling and meeting restrictions, importing of goods and similar. Nevertheless, the contract is scheduled to be completed  by end of July 2021. Thanks to the professional engagement by all parties, the contract sum will not be exceeded.

Works for upgrading of the Subotica wastewater treatment plant

The existing wastewater treatment plant has been complying with the Serbian effluent regulations, but the investments will further reduce the phosphorous discharge to Lake Palic and Lake Ludas even further. This is required to improve the water quality and their ecosystem.

defaultare completed and testing of the pump station and the pumping main has started. It will pump the wastewater from Palic to the Subotica sewerage system from where it will flow to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment. This investment will reduce significantly the raw sewage discharge into the lakes and the Palic-Ludas canal and will  help shutting down septic tanks in Palic.

The sewer network extension in Palic has been completed already in August 2020 and till to date, more than 500 households have been connected and signed contracts with PUC “Vodovod i Kanalizacija”. Works were heavily influenced by the Covid-19 pandemic, but due to great efforts by all involved parties, the delay could be kept to a minimum and completion of the works is expected also by end of July 2021.


Construction and installation works at the new wastewater pumping station Palic