The water quality of Palic and Ludas lakes has not been satisfactory in recent years due to the influence of concentrated and dispersive sources of pollution, but various natural factors, as well. The most significant habitats were destroyed, the percentage of greenery was reduced drastically, and the part of artificial areas was constantly increasing due to the expansion of the construction area, inadequate water regime of the lake and other anthropogenic influences. The lakes themselves have become altered eutrophic ecosystems over time.
Vegetation protection zones have been built within the project “Biodiversity and Water Protection Lake Palic and Lake Ludas” as the buffer zone around the lake (about 10 km long at Palic and 14 km at Ludas, an average width being 20 m). They aim to significantly reduce the input of wind-spread pollutants, surface runoff, and direct agricultural activities on the lake shores. These protection zones have tourist, recreational, educational, and scientific functions, as well. The zones were formed according to these purposes. Platforms, bird watching towers and rest areas have been built, while the existing cycling and walking trail have been extended by about 2.5 km. In addition to all these activities, a service path has been provided along the coast, along which the manager of these protected areas can approach the coast and maintain it.
Since the access to the coast is difficult due to the configuration of the terrain and vegetation, it proved necessary to procure a suitable off-road vehicle. The supplier TRIO MOTORS from Novi Sad delivered the ISUZU DMAX CREW N60 B MT SENSEI vehicle to “Palic-Ludas” Public Company within the ECOLACUS project on April 14th, 2022. After this procurement, the manager will be able to organise good quality control and maintenance of the newly built protection zone, which is one of the key biodiversity protection activities in these areas.