Contracts for Upgrading Of The Subotica Wastewater Treatment Plant and Waste Water Pumping Station Palic have been signed

Contracts for UPGRADING OF THE SUBOTICA WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT and WASTE WATER PUMPING STATION PALIC have been signed 11.06.2020. between PUC “Vodovod i Kanalizacija”, Subotica, and company “Graditelj-NS” DOO from Novi Sad. Components of contract for UPGRADING OF THE SUBOTICA WWTP are: Construction and installation of a phosphor polishing stage, comprising of pumping stations, FeCl3 [...]

2020-06-12T07:21:00+00:00June 12th, 2020|

Site visit by Representatives of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

The State Secretary of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Mr. Zoran Lakicevic, visited the site of Contract A2.1 -Extension of the Palic sewer network. The visits were attended by representatives of the City, PUC Waterworks, Contractor and Consultant. Construction sites of the pumping main to Subotica and the street sewer network were visited. [...]

2020-02-28T10:04:55+00:00February 28th, 2020|
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